Sunday, May 15, 2011

Boots aren't just made for walking...

It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since my last post.

Wow—I really have been out of the loop.

I’m just starting to revisit my favorite sites and I’m beginning to feel like Brendan Fraser in “Blast from the Past”—totally oblivious to what new techniques and materials are out there.

Like Brendan’s character, I’m living (creating) in the past.

Oh well…there’s plenty of time to catch up.

In the meanwhile, I went to work this afternoon using one of my favorite techniques—fabric motifs. 

The boot is cut from some western themed fabric and the stamps from a Hero Arts “Paris” collection I got a while back but never got around to using.

Out here in the great state of Wyoming, people stick flowers in boots—dried flowers in real boots and real flowers in ceramic boots. 

It’s a look I love and thought I’d try to recreate on a birthday themed card.
Hmm—I just realized that I would love to receive a bouquet of flowers in a nice new pair of boots for my next birthday. 

Maybe I need to drop some hints!

1 comment:

  1. This is so pretty! I love cowboy boots and still have a pair though I haven't worn them since I had my son almost 7 years ago! Might have to dig them out if I can find them.
