Tuesday, February 2, 2010

See this mess...

Another reason I haven’t gotten around to crafting…

I’m embarrassed to admit it, it but this is what my little craft room has looked like since the beginning of the New Year.
I have a little reprieve from class work this week and hoping to get in there and clean it up.

I’m just itching to start crafting again.  It’s been way too long, which is why I spent a little time last evening drawing this in paint... 

I have Valentine’s Day on the brain.

Life Happens…

And sometimes gets in the way.

Life is what’s happened to me since starting this blog.

But it’s all good.

Started classes at the University this semester and since then, my time has no longer been my own.

I won’t go into the boring details of just how many waking hours I spend on class-work...

Suffice it to say that I’m hoping the (how to) study habits will kick in again and I won’t have to continue spending all my waking hours on class work so that I can get back to some crafting.

I'm starting to experience withdrawal...